Business for rent in Saysettha village
Are you thinking about operation of business? If yes, our company would like to offer you this property.
The house have business:
– Noodle shop
– Pizzeria and cafe (Green bottle shop
– Massage
This property has one bedroom, 2 big rooms for massage (total 10 cushions), four bathrooms, two sauna, parking space.
The pizza cafe 1 behind
The noodle Shop delicious 10’s special.
The property comes with a nice yard, which is well-kept and beautifully landscaped with grasses and surrounded by solid fence. The electricity, water and air condition, DSL – internet and TV-set are available, system pump and water storage tanks large, a water purifier, water heater, interior furnished some in this property.
It is placed in an asphalt road, which is easily accessible throughout the year. In the settlement are to be found all facilities that one might needs. Closely are the public facilities such as market, hotel, school, restaurant and hotel.
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