FAQ in Lao Real Estate

Legal firm advice – Zico Law: Ownership of Land and Property in Laos

Land in Laos is considered as part of the national heritage and as such is deemed to be owned by the national community. In terms of ownership the Government of Lao PDR (“GOL”) grants its citizens the right to use land, or they may grant a concession over the land to foreigners via a concession agreement. Thus under the Lao context the definition of ownership can be said to be based on the...

Top Common Questions Foreign Home-Buyers Ask About Laos Real Estate

Laos is a small country in terms of population, but big in terms of land area. Moreover, it will continue to expand over time, since it has one of the greatest economic development rates in Southeast Asia and is bordered by a number of other rapidly developing nations in the area. So, how tough is it to buy real estate in Laos? In comparison to many of its surrounding nations, buying property in Laos is...

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