FAQ of Real Estate in Rental Lao Property Market (Q & A)

Renting a house in Laos, most landlord is looking for long term lease say one year or two years lease. Usually the shortest period for the lease contract is 6 months, for monthly rent or 3 month rent is very rare

Most of the landlord offers one month rental as commission fee to the agent, agent has to help negotiate and arrange contract and also the list of furniture

Usually the property owner gives 2-3% or sometimes 5% to the agent who introduces a buyer and of course the agent has to do their job as to help close the deal

The agent gets commission from the landlord already so the tenant doesn’t have to give or up to the tenant

It depends on the landlord but not always, some landlord may request one month or some amount for security deposit during the lease agreement in case of utility bill left unpaid or any thing house broken 

Usually landlord requests for one year payment upfront as the contract period, and it depends on how well negotiation, it may end up at 6 month payment upfront usually. The landlord would not accept less than 6 months, but very rare for 3 months. 

No the landlord doesn’t accept short term lease for the house rental, the shortest period is 6 month lease. It is recommended to rent apartment for shorter term

yes, it can be monthly rental, weekly rental or event daily depending on the apartments

The real estate market in Laos is open market, so every one can list the same properties. Don’t be surprised that many agents show you the same properties! First come, first serve basics. 

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