Laos as an Observer to ARENA CONVENTION & EXHIBITON 2017

At Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, the ACE was organized on 25-27 August 2017, participated by 8 ASEAN Countries, namely Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Laos was invited to be an observer as well as Brunei.
Laos is urgently required to establish an association of Real Estate Practitioners in order to be eligible to be full member.

Asean Real Estate Network Alliance acronym ARENA established in 2016 is a formation of Real Estate National Associations in the ASEAN region. This coalition was founded by Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents (MIEA), Institute of Estate Agents Singapore (IEA) and Philippine Association of Real Estate Boards Inc. (PAREB) on 3 March 2012. Its formation helps promote bilateral ties thus promoting the trade and networking alliance amongst these countries.
Since then it has achieved and managed to bring together eight national associations into ARENA. Meanwhile the existing board are working to get both Laos and Brunei to join the grouping this year. ARENA will represent the entire real estate services sector i.e estate agency work among the countries. In the long run, ARENA would become the reference point the centre for real estate research and studies, cross border selling, developing good practices and conventions.
ACE is an acronym for ARENA CONVENTION & EXHIBITION, a catchy brand name that cuts across borders and is reflective of the goals and aspirations of ARENA – to become aces in our chosen profession and in our personal lives. Given the sheer size of the ASEAN region and the large number of real estate practitioners, ACE is the best opportunity to build a close-linked community that comes together to share best practices and the latest information and trends in real estate.

This year, it was aptly chosen the theme Making Friends – Connecting Business for ACE’ 17 to live up to the objective of building a cohesive real estate networking platform. August 25-27, 2017 as the convention dates at Berjaya Times Square Hotel, right in the heart of Kuala Lumpur.
“It was so great opportunity for Lao Real Estate Broker to access to regional platform, forming the group and special thanks to LNCCI” said Mr. Houmphan, the Managing Director of
Thailand is the first Host and Malaysia the second for ACE’ 17 with the convention being rotated among member associations in the ASEAN region on a yearly basis. The host country will be determined by the Council of Presidents (COP) after successful bids are submitted by the prospective host country at each convention.