The ongoing operating hotel is located in the city of Luangprabang.
There are 2 buildings, 51 rooms and many more facilities. Conference rooms:7, Guest bath room, Kitchen, Laundry, Staff lunch room, Pool, Function Room, Restaurant, Bar & Restaurant, Massage room, Internet/Souvirner room, Floors:2, Buildings:2, Guest Rooms:51, In House Satff Rooms:6, Cofffee Room.
Note: Minimum Contract Periods: 20 Years. The operation is considered at 3 star serviced hotel, room rate: 70/80USD per night.
There are two source of incoming income from accommodation sale 80%, while the second income 20% from related service such as food, beverage, massage, laundry and other services. The owner added that their return on investment per year is approximately 38% on current internal management.
The hotel is potential to develop and upgrade to 4 and 5 star hotel. The rental length with advance payment is detailed as: Rental payment options: (20years contract) 1. 20,000USD/month – pay 3years in advance 2. 16000USD/month – pay 5years in advance 3. 13000USD/month – pay 10years in advance The conditions are open for discussion. Sale price at 4.5 Millions USD.
The luxurious hotels come with a mix of beauties such as nature, modern design, beautiful scenery.
There is a unique style, a mix of Lao and international culture, which blends perfectly with the standard of the hotel, with a reputation in many ways, especially the uniqueness of the location and good service.
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