Japanese foreign minister awards certificate to Lao businessman

Japan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs has awarded a certificate of honour to the Co-CEO of the Pakse-Japan SME Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Development Co., Ltd., (PJSEZ), Mr Vannada Phomasthit, who was recently appointed the new CEO of Dao Coffee Co., Ltd.
The certificate was presented by Japanese Ambassador to Laos, Mr Kenichi Kobayashi, in the presence of the Governor of Champassak province, Dr Vilayvong Bouddakham.

The award acknowledges the many contributions made by Mr Vannada in supporting and encouraging Japanese companies to invest in Laos and strengthen the relationship and mutual benefits between Laos and Japan.
In 2002, Mr Vannada Phomasthit was employed by Electricite du Laos (EDL) and worked as a consultant to a Japanese grant assistance project in the electricity sector. This was an important project and yielded good results.
In 2006, Mr Vannada became a freelance investment consultant and set up the Savan TVS Consultant Co., Ltd. in 2013. This company became very familiar with the circumstances of Japanese companies and was instrumental in encouraging several to invest in Laos through partner agencies.

In 2016, Mr Vannada was appointed as the Co-CEO of the Pakse-Japan SME SEZ Development Co., Ltd., which manages the special economic zone of the SME industrial group of Japan.
The company has made a considerable contribution to the promotion of foreign investment by Japanese SMEs.


source: Vientianetimes

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