On November 22nd, the Lao Real Estate Association represented by Mr Houmphan Saiyalath, Tony, as the president of the REAL hosted...
On November 22nd, the Lao Real Estate Association represented by Mr Houmphan Saiyalath, Tony, as the president of the REAL hosted...
ASEAN BUSINESS AWARD, LAO PDR, 2016 This is the first ASEAN Business Awards Lao PDR (ABA Lao PDR) ever organized in Lao PDR by ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC) Laos and Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The ABA Lao PDR recognizes outstanding businesses and entrepreneurs that have created a positive impact on the growth of the Lao economy and helped elevate the country's image in...
RentsBuy Sole Co., Ltd. 從零到非常成功的企業家之一,熱情奔放的Houmphan Saiyalath打造了自己的真正 不到十年的房地產帝國。...普華永道(PriceWaterHouseCooper)的文章 全文閱讀, Click...
萬象,2014年2月22日-領先的房地產經紀人RentsBuy被提名為獲得印度支那國家``百強優秀企業''獎的獲獎者之一;老撾,越南和柬埔寨。 出席並頒獎的還有越南外交部副部長Nguyen Thanh Son,老撾工業和商業部長-Nam Viyaked博士,老撾新聞,文化和旅遊部以及教育和體育部-Dr老撾中央黨委副書記Bosaengkham Vongdara –...
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